My job is to help you bring forth YOU.
That part of you tucked deep inside the pocket of your heart;
Your Purpose. Your Creativity. Your Art. Your TRUTH.
That's what I love about coaching.
That's what I love about YOU.
My job is to help you bring forth YOU.
That part of you tucked deep inside the pocket of your heart;
Your Purpose. Your Creativity. Your Art. Your TRUTH.
That's what I love about coaching.
That's what I love about YOU.
Whether you pursue art professionally or personally, there will never be a more trusted, loyal friend to you than your craft.
Lovers will leave, parents will pass, and friends will come and go, but through the good, the bad, the beautiful, and the ugly - there your art will be. By your side, sometimes sitting silently, waiting for her turn to speak, other times howling a battle cry, giving birth to that which cannot be tamed.
CREATING art is self·ish/
lacking consideration for others; concerned chiefly with one's own personal profit or pleasure.
SHARING art is self·less/
concerned more with the needs and wishes of others than with one's own.
I'm here to help you create selfishly and share selflessly.
What would you create and how much more would you create if it were just for YOU?
How would your performance shift?
What would really be said, read, or heard?
What colors, textures, and styles would YOU dare discover?
They say sharing is caring. I say sharing is SURVIVAL. The world doesn't have a supply problem. We have a distribution problem. There is plenty of food, water, and shelter to go around. We just don't share it.
Can you imagine a world without these vital resources?
Can YOU imagine a world without ART?
If I were thirsty, would you not share water from your well?
How much more of yourself, your art, would you share if you considered it essential to life?
Artist. Entrepreneur. Coach.
Acting Coaching
Audition Coaching ~ On Camera Acting ~ Stage Performance
To ME, being an actor means being a channel or a conduit to a story. A writer may birth a character, but only once an actor breathes life into them, do they become real.
It takes guts and it feeds off flesh. Literally.
Acting is a profound practice of compassion, non-judgementalism, and intuition. Not only have I learned acceptance, but true appreciation of ALL of ME.
Not just my bright shining light, but the dark, dank crevices of my ugly truth; that's what this craft demands of ME.
Life Coaching
Free Your Creativity ~ Align Your Energy ~ Raise Your Vibration
It was Sunday and I was 10. An elderly woman leaned into her daughter's ear and whispered, "That Wanetah child sounds like a grown woman." That was the first time my talent had ever been recognized. Say what you want about religion, but church folk sure do know how to validate the gifts of young people.
The Christmas pageant came around and I got the lead role as The Virgin Mary. Ok, you could argue that Jesus was the star of the show, but in this production, remember, he's just a baby... a plastic one. Therefore, two stars were born that year!
I was to the moon with excitement - which very quickly turned into tremendous fear. So much so that I called in sick the day of the Christmas pageant! I mean WHO DOES THAT?!
To this day, I feel awful about letting everyone down.
Especially Little Wanetah.
Her voice or rather, our voice, stayed trapped for many years. Held hostage by my perfectionism and a twenty-two year addiction to cigarettes, drugs, and alcohol.
Not only do I still remember the words to my solo that never was, but I still sing it. I sing it when I clean, I sing it when I drive, and it's a staple in my shower set list. A real crowd pleaser amongst my cats, too. Well, one of them. I'm pretty sure the other one's deaf. He never listens.
A few years ago, I attended a church service in New Orleans. First Grace. What incredibly liberating holy riff-raff they have going on over there! If you haven't been, put it on your list of Once Upon a Time in New Orleans. I had never been a member of a church before, but as soon as I heard the blend of black gospel hymnals and cold, angelic traditionals, Wednesday night choir practice couldn't come quick enough!
One Sunday, Pastor Shawn requested that I read a few lines of scripture to accompany his sermon. Yikes. I humbly agreed, carrying the heavy weight of my imposter syndrome to the podium with me. My tiny, travel bible, the only one I had, burning hot in my hand.
"Please open your bibles to Luke Ch. 1:46, The Magnificat, also known as... Mary's Song."
I am now sober and free. So is my voice. Some call sobriety an achievement. I call it what it is; a gift. One that keeps on giving. We don't all receive it, do we? Sometimes I wonder "Why me?" I've done nothing to deserve or earn this. How come I was somehow "chosen" by Grace, but when it came to my beautiful friend, Franky or Kelly, Mercy just seemed to look the other way?
I bet Mama Mary felt something similar.
My soul will magnify the Lord
My spirit bares his song
His tender mercy
has reached out and touched me
and his loving arms are so strong
Don't ya just love a good God wink?
Writer. Director. Filmmaker.
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CLIENT testimonials
Some Love Words From Clients
"As an agent, it is of the utmost importance that my clients are in training. I've had clients of all backgrounds and various training levels work with Wanetah and the results are always outstanding. The thing that really sets Wanetah apart is that she is also a life coach. I can't even begin to explain the benefits of working with an acting coach who understands the mind/body/spirit connection and how it translates into the work that actors do on and off screen. She's a miracle worker and I truly believe she was put on this earth to inspire her students to find and cultivate their passions."
Rebecca Davis - Founder/CEO The Krewe Collective
"Working with Wanetah has truly helped me become a more confident actor. She is the first coach I have worked with that isn't just putting her ideas on you. She isn't trying to make you an actory version of her. Wanetah truly sees you and helps you fine tune your strengths. Her positivity is infectious and her coaching is challenging. There's no bullshit. Just fun.
Sarah Voigt - Professional Actor
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